Superdrug plots £37m CRM boost

Supderdrug plots £37m CRM boostSuperdrug is ramping up its digital activity – including plans to launch a mobile phone version of its Beautyclub loyalty card – as part of a three-year $60m (£37m) investment in CRM.
The chain’s owner, Hong Kong-based AS Watson, is launching a European digital eLab in London to develop the strategy. The company, which also owns value health and beauty retailer Savers and The Perfume Shop, said the London team will work with AS Watson’s eLabs in China, Milan and Hong Kong to develop and roll out new technologies including iBeacons.
AS Watson chief operating officer Malina Ngai said: “In order to sustain our leadership we need to engage our customers 360 degrees and not just through the stores or traditional means.
“The technology teams in the eLabs will enhance the IT platforms and develop mobile technology, so the websites are fully mobile optimised and customers on the road have a good experience.”
Ngai said a platform enabling customers to earn points on its Beautycard loyalty scheme via their mobile phones is expected to be introduced next year.
“The new digital team will provide customised digital solutions to local needs and provide a road map to provide inspirational ecommerce solutions,” Ngai added.
Last week, Superdrug unveiled a new e-commerce platform on its main website, designed to deliver a richer, state-of-the-art, omni-channel shopping experience for customers. The project was delivered by web and ecommerce consultancy Sceneric.

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  1. Superdrug plots £37m #CRM boost #digitalmarketing #directmarketing #loyaltyprograms #data #insight

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