Busty continues mission to spread some light relief

busty idolOK, it is a well-worn record, but it’s not easy being me you know. Not only do I have to work opposite a man who insists on bashing away on his computer wearing only his pants, I also have to block out these treacherous conditions to continue my mission to bring you all some light relief in an effort to brighten up your increasingly turgid and joyless working week (see last week’s missive for the grizzly details).
First up then is a lesson for anyone who is planning to relaunch their business under a new wacky name, along the lines of Mustard, Lettuce, Ginger Pig or my own personal favourite High Heels & Bananas.
This advice is especially pertinent for one large agency group which is plotting to do just that early next week (for once my lips are sealed): just make sure your old website is pulled offline when you launch your new one.
Sadly, this top tip has come a little too late for the folk at Field Day, the new name for the combined might of AIS London and Arnold KLP, which was launched in June. Whether it is because the AIS gang are still clinging on to the, er, glory years of Archibald, Ingall and Stretton or hedging their bets because no-one has actually heard of the new name yet, I couldn’t possibly comment. But their website is still very much alive and kicking. What would Campaign’s Diary make of it all, if they could actually be bothered to write something about this sector?
Talking of which, I see the self-proclaimed “iconic weekly Campaign magazine” has called a temporary truce on its man-bashing strategy this week in favour of a hard-hitting expose under the headline: “Maternity men: ad dads holding the baby.” That’s right folks, our friends over in Teddington have once again got their fingers on the news pulse.
Apparently, these days, “a new breed of men in the creative industries are embracing the opportunity and challenge afforded by shared and extended parental leave”.
No shit Sherlock, next they will be telling us that not all blokes are “man-spreaders” after all, and some of them actually treat women with respect, too.

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol