I’m pleased to report that my inbox has been overflowing this week with messages of support from the sisterhood. It seems that I’m not alone in wondering why women get so vicious when they’re on top and many of you girls have been grateful that someone has actually highlighted the issue.
Naturally, being a boss myself, I would never fall into the same trap as Crankshank and Whipmeup…as I’ve stressed before, here at Busty’s Direct Sales & Marketing (BDSM for short, of course) I like to surround myself with fit, young men.
My rather gorgeous Dutch creative director, Hans Alloverme, is under strict instructions to keep any potential rivals to little ol’ Busty well away. There’s certainly not going to be an agency ‘muffia’ round here…My boys know who’s in control and that’s the way I like it.
Even my PA is a fella. Well, I say PA, but he doesn’t really have to do much apart from sit there, keep his gob shut, make me smile and pour me the occasional cup of builder’s tea. Mind you, with the current heatwave showing no sign of abatting I have been known to make him fan me off with a giant banana leaf, too.
Strange as it may seem, I picked up my PA recruitment policy from Archibald Ingall Stretton, the doyen of agency-land, which this week marked the end of an era with the departure of Steve “doe-eyed” Stretton.
Is he off to Corsica to join “Jingall” and put his feet up, I hear you ask? Or maybe a trip Down Under is on the cards for a few beers with Stu? Nope, he’s off to work beside the six-lane Marylebone Road at Proximity London. Nice.
Anyway, it is said that, back in the day, the agency partners only ever hired fit young women as secretaries, whether they could type, take notes, organise a diary or not. Now, I realise this strategy is not exactly unique in the agency world – after all, you can count the number of CEOs who haven’t shagged their PA on the fingers of one hand – but it is what happened next which defines AIS.
While I’m trying to keep my PA at arms’ length, apparently the AIS boys were sometimes a little bit too “over-friendly” with theirs – whether the poor girls liked it or not – and were often forced to spunk more on their employment lawyer (so to speak) than on their tab down at Little Italy on Frith Street, Soho.
In fact, it’s said that two of the partners – who’ll have to remain nameless due to legal reasons – got so fed up with the other one being sued that they hired him an “Ugly Betty”. Poor bloke, never recovered and left soon after…
Don’t forget to order your copy of Busty’s book, The World According to Busty Idol and Friends by clicking this link >>>>>
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Ever considered not sleeping with your PA? Not this lot… http://t.co/mdhq72u4MK
RT @BustyIdol: Ever considered not sleeping with your PA? Not this lot… http://t.co/mdhq72u4MK