CRM plan to tap into Google Glass

CRM plan to tap into Google GlassNo sooner have the first pairs of Google Glass “wearables” gone on sale in the UK for £1,000, than CRM giant Salesforce has revealed plans to exploit the technology by serving up data-fuelled content and experiences for users.
In a move to speed up the integration of the technology into business systems, is launching a developer kit specifically targeting the new mobile communications devices.
Market researchers IHS expect sales of around 50 million wearable units this year, rising to more than 180 million a year by 2018.
Given the expected strong growth rate, Salesforce said companies need to understand how consumers will use the new devices. “Wearables are the future of mobile,” it said.
Salesforce Wear will allow developers to build apps that let wearables connect dirctly to its CRM platform, meaning companies will be seamlessly connected to customer data.
It cited the example of high value casino customers, who can receive all the benefits due to VIPs straight to the device. The casino can track their journey all evening, offer up real-time experiences customised to them (like their favorite drink or a seat at the elite poker table), and offer incentives and triggers for new experiences (based on their location and profile) – culled from data about them held in the CRM system.
“Wearables are the next phase of the mobile revolution,” said Daniel Debow, senior vice-president of emerging technologies at Salesforce. “With Salesforce Wear, companies can now capture the massive opportunity these devices offer to connect with customers in new ways.”

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  1. CRM giant plans to tap into Google Glass #directmarketing #CRM #digitalmarketing #advertising #loyaltymarketing

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