Royal Mail has pledged to crack down on scam mail by launching a “comprehensive set of measures” to stop operators using its system to distribute fraudulent letters.
Earlier this month, the company was accused of turning a blind eye to the long-term issue because it brings in huge profits, with rogues using the controversial “delivered by Royal Mail” insignia, to give letters greater credence.
Business minister Margot James said she would summon bosses to Parliament to explain why it was seemingly still waving through the scam letters.
The new measures are designed to counter this criticism, as well as pre-empt any Government action.
Under the terms, Royal Mail will demand that all the firms it works with sign a new industry-wide code of practice and commit to working with regulators to help stop frauds.
Royal Mail confirmed that Whistl had already signed up to the code, which will also allow postal operators to open mailings which are believed to be fraudulent.
Under the code they must also ban suppliers, who may be based abroad, from sending scam mail into the UK. They will also be sharing information about operators which may be distributing scams.
The company will raise the issue next month at the European-wide meeting of postal operators, PostEurop.
Margot James told the Daily Mail: “I’m encouraged that industry has now taken direct action with a new code of practice which I want to see implemented as quickly as possible.”
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