DMA joins forces with ISBA to tackle adtech data abuse

dma 1The DMA is attempting to bring some clarity to the adtech and real-time bidding market by linking up with client body ISBA to launch a new step-by-step guide designed to help companies keep compliant with data protection laws.

The move follows ISBA’s damning report into the sector, which not only exposed hundreds of millions of pounds in hidden costs, haphazard measurement and woeful accountability but continued data abuse.

That was followed by the Information Commissioner’s Office kicking its own adtech investigation into touch, much to the annoyance of some. However, the regulator has been consulted on this new publication, The Seven-Step Ad Tech Guide, which aims to support UK businesses to ensure they protect the rights of individuals with their programmatic campaigns.

The guide aims to help highlight and address privacy concerns, ensuring organisations adhere to the legal requirements of GDPR and the Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR).

DMA director of policy and compliance John Mitchison said: “Real-time bidding is an innovative means of delivering advertisements, but it currently presents a number of challenges to businesses and uncertainty about how to protect peoples’ rights. Our new guidance will help advertisers and marketers navigate their way through the complexity of RTB and to address the concerns highlighted by the ICO.

“Building long-term trust and confidence in digital advertising is essential. By helping organisations to clearly demonstrate to consumers that their rights are being protected and respected, we can help the data and marketing industry move a step closer towards this goal.”

ISBA director of media Steve Chester added: “Brands must protect audience data consistently to earn public trust in digital advertising. This guide provides advertisers with the information they need to establish best practice in their digital advertising and in RTB in particular.

“We’re delighted to have joined forces with the DMA to share the guidance across both our memberships and expect that advertisers will find its content valuable in their programmatic and wider digital marketing activities.”

Mitchison concluded: “Some organisations are still failing to comply with the GDPR and PECR when it comes to the programmatic delivery of digital advertising. They must learn to strike a balance between innovation and privacy – now is the time to look at how they process personal data in their digital advertising. The DMA would support the ICO taking a firmer stance on the most severe offenders who are making no effort to improve their data protection compliance in this area.”

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