Marketers baulk at breakneck speed of AI deployment

tech_2The majority of marketers believe they are well equipped for the introduction of new digital technologies, yet there is growing concern about the speed at which tools such as generative AI are being implemented, as well as fresh fears that increased automation might stall career advancement.

So says a new study from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), which reveals the complex relationship that exists between marketers and emerging technologies such as AI, with two thirds (65%) of marketers believing the technology is being introduced too quickly.

Concerns about the safe implementation of AI are not restricted to the marketing industry, with organisations and nation states alike scrambling to develop legislative frameworks to guide the development of this new tech.

But it is having a profound impact on the marketing profession. In fact, over nine in ten marketers (92%) believe their organisation’s business model will have to adapt to stay relevant. The CIM insists marketers need to think carefully about how to incorporate new tech into their business operations or risk falling behind the pace of change in the sector.

Even so, three in five (61%) marketers believe they have the skills to cope with new digital technologies being introduced.

CIM chief executive Chris Daly said: “AI and digital transformation aren’t just passing trends; they’re integral components of the new age of marketing.

“While the pace of technological advancement might feel overwhelming, it’s crucial for marketers to recognise this as an opportunity to evolve. Embracing change, continuous learning, and adaptability are the keys to harnessing the power of AI to our advantage.”

However, the journey is not without its anxieties, as over half (52%) express concern that automation might overshadow certain facets of their jobs, potentially stalling their career advancement.

This sentiment echoes the broader industry consensus that while technology can automate many processes, the human element – strategy, creativity, and relationship building – remains irreplaceable.

Daly concluded: “The creative industries look set to be afforded a lot of opportunity by the rise of AI and other advanced digital technologies. In the face of this paradigm shift, it’s vital that marketers approach with a growth mindset, seeking out training and educational opportunities to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

“One thing about marketers, though, that has been proven again and again, is that they are willing and able to adapt to all manner of challenges that they’re faced with – and I believe that the rise of AI will be no different.”

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