Now TSB sends mailing to man who died in November

TSB_fatcatsTSB’s calamitous data governance has been further exposed after it has emerged that, in the midst of the recent IT meltdown, the bank opened a new current account and sent a debit card to a man who passed away in November 2017.
According to a report on MoneySavingExpert, Lynda Warren received two letters addressed to her late father Peter, one containing a new debit card and the other a PIN, despite the executors of his will informing the company of his death months ago.
Warren was prompted to report the issue after some former customers of the bank have found their direct debits have been cancelled because TSB told companies that their customers had died.
Warren said: “I have been prompted to let you know after seeing the story where customers are having their direct debit mandates cancelled with the reason ‘customer deceased’. My problem is the reverse, where they are treating my late father as if he is still with us.
“Apart from the distress of receiving post of this nature for my late father, I am also at a loss to understand how TSB can have opened a current account for my father and issued a debit card – surely there should be internal checks before accounts are opened and cards sent?
“It is extraordinarily careless that there was not a checking process in place or followed to… suppress the issue of cards.”
A TSB spokesperson said: “We’re really sorry to hear what has happened to Ms Warren. We made an error when closing her father’s account last year, and we’d like to apologise for any distress and inconvenience this may have caused. We have contacted Ms Warren to put this right.” TSB has offered Warren £100 in compensation.
Yesterday, Decision Marketing revealed that yet another data cock-up has seen the bank leak the personal details of customers while sending mailshots to those who have complained about the recent IT meltdown.

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