Response One revamps charity file

Response One revamps charity fileResponse One, the St Ives Group company behind one of the UK’s largest donor data pools, Reciprocate, has launched an entry-level version, Reciprocate Lite.
The service is designed for charities wanting to benefit from Reciprocate’s insight and benchmarking capabilities without having to commit to swapping donor data, which may be prohibited due to lack of permissions. Reciprocate Lite gives access to benefits including lapsed donor reactivation, Gift Aid matching, unique donor identification and market trend reporting.
WaterAid, Oxfam and St John’s Ambulance are among the charities that have already signed up to Reciprocate Lite, which was officially unveiled at Response One’s Reciprocate Forum this month.
The forums are held twice a year for Reciprocate members and the most recent event was attended by over 60 charity representatives. The presentations included ideas from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home and the latest insights discovered from analysis of the Reciprocate database.
The original membership package, Reciprocate Full, allows charities to swap mailable records on a net of house file basis for acquisition activities. The database identifies supporter overlaps, meaning charities can target known donors with the greatest affinity to their own organisation’s donor base. In addition, they can use the insight from the Reciprocate database to refine warm campaigns, resulting in higher response rates and measurable return on investment.
Recent research undertaken by Marie Curie highlights that donors acquired through Reciprocate are 10% more likely to give a second gift than any other data type. Response One also provided analysis showing that donor retention rates for charities who swap their data are actually better when compared to charities that do not swap their data.
WaterAid head of database and analysis Simon Capper commented: “We have already identified a number of potential applications for the bespoke matching service and strongly believe that Response One will help us to deliver on the potential identified in our initial discussions.”
Response One media director Stuart Huke added: “We have created this second level of membership to allow charities that are not able to swap donor data to have access to the host of insight and knowledge the database provides. We want to ensure that all charities have access to this information.”

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  1. RT @DM_editor: Response One revamps charity file #directmarketing #digitalmarketing #CRM @StIvesGroup @ResponseOneDM

  2. RT @DM_editor: Response One revamps charity file #directmarketing #digitalmarketing #CRM @StIvesGroup @ResponseOneDM

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