Edit offers discounted media space for hard-up clients

digital_disciplines2Kin + Carta agency Edit is offering heavily discounted media space to businesses which have been hit by the coronavirus pandemic – specifically those in the charity, financial services and grocery retail sectors – across a raft of channels including TV, inserts and print.

Partners for the scheme, dubbed CrEdit, include ITV, Sky and Channel 4 for airtime services, with print partners including The Telegraph, Daily Mirror, The Times and The Guardian, among others.

With a 44% increase in TV viewing across the UK and a 34% rise in online newspaper readership, companies which are still operating do have an opportunity to get their marketing comms across but many are tightening their belts.

The CrEdit scheme, which has secured £1m worth of discounted space, is designed to be accessible to those businesses who feel they most need marketing support at this time.

Edit client the Salvation Army recently ran a week-long emergency press campaign to generate donations as quickly as possible to fund its response to Covid-19. In those seven days, the agency secured £32,000 of media space for just £15,500, saving the charity 52% of its budget.

Edit media director Ben Briggs said: “With more people at home, not only is there a larger captive audience, it’s much more broad: it’s no longer the retired over 60s who are home during the working week; there is now an opportunity to tap into the younger working professional demographic, especially as they have a little more time on their hands.

“Traditional media can be precisely targeted at an audience or geographic level, which means it can be run in tandem with other tightly-targeted channels, such as addressable TV. By creating a multi-layered campaign with sequential messaging, brands will see higher levels of response and ultimately a higher ROI.”

More details about the scheme are available on the Edit website>

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