TSB crisis deepens as bank sends ‘data breach’ mailshot

tsb3TSB’s latest advertising campaign – in which it accuses rival banks of being lazy and taking their customers for granted – has come back to bite it on the derrière after yet another data cock-up has seen the bank leak the personal details of customers while sending mailshots to those who have complained about the recent IT meltdown.
The bank has been forced to apologise after some letters acknowledging the complaints contained a further letter which showed the name, address and reference number of other customers.
Isabella Morrison-Shand, of Inverness, received one and told the BBC: “When I looked at the second page I discovered that it had a reference number, name and address of somebody that wasn’t me.
“If I was in any way shady, I could contact them and say that I was from TSB and perhaps trick them into discussing things. I have no confidence in TSB at all of controlling their usage of my data and keeping it safe and secure.”
A TSB spokesperson said: “We are aware that there has been issue with a recent acknowledgement mailing. We are working with our third party supplier to understand the root cause of the error and we’d like to apologise to anyone that may be impacted.”
There have been suggestions that the bank could be facing the first action under GDPR. A spokesperson for the Information Commissioner’s Office said: “[We are] continuing to make enquiries in relation to TSB and we are aware of ongoing issues. Customers who are concerned about their personal data can contact us.”
The move comes as TSB boss Paul Pester is to be hauled back in front of the Treasury Select Committee on Wednesday just weeks after chairman Nicky Morgan accused him of “staggering” complacency.
The Financial Conduct Authority is also preparing to launch an ­investigation into TSB.
Last week it emerged that some former customers of the bank have found their direct debits have been cancelled because TSB told companies that their customers had died, while others are being ignored despite being targeted by scammers exploiting the IT fiasco.
TSB’s latest ad campaign, launched in January, rails against the UK’s big banks, depicting the brands as lazy “fat cats” which take their customers for granted. It carries the strapline: “Break free and go somewhere better.”
At the time, TSB marketing director Peter Markey said: “People feel taken for granted. The big banks aren’t looking after them. Millions of people may be missing out of hundreds of pounds, so we want them to re-evaluate their banking relationships. This is a wake-up call.”

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