Oxfam has launched an integrated direct marketing campaign to generate support for its emergency response work, as part of its ongoing crusade to provide clean water to vulnerable families around the world.
The campaign, created by WPN Chameleon (WPNC), promotes the new “Lifesaver Cube”, a robust and portable household water filter which cleans contaminated water.
The Cube, which holds up to five litres turns dirty, contaminated water is by forcing it through an internal filter which removes bacteria and viruses. It is claimed that one single Cube provides a family of four with clean water for one year.
A 60-second DRTV ad asks for a donation of just £3 towards a Cube and was shot at the Oxfam warehouse which stores emergency supplies. It features Oxfam spokesman Ian Bray, demonstrating the Cube and drinking the clean water produced.
Alongside the DRTV ad, WPNC will supported Oxfam’s integrated approach by Facebook posts, Facebook canvas, bespoke landing pages and online display to capture and convert a greater response from the campaign than with just the ad alone.
Oxfam head of supporter acquisition Catherine Wearden said: “The Lifesaver Cube makes even the dirtiest water safe to drink – it’s such a clever piece of kit. We hope that people will be inspired by seeing it in action and want to help us provide more of these to vulnerable families around the world.”
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